About us

Humber River Hospital is one of Canada’s largest regional acute care hospitals, serving a catchment area of more than 850,000 people in the northwest GTA. The hospital currently operates out of its Wilson Avenue site with a total of 656 beds, 3,300 staff, approximately 700 physicians and 400 volunteers. We also have a Urgent Care Centre located at 2111 Finch Avenue West. 

Affiliated with the University of Toronto and Queen's University, the hospital is home to Ontario’s first Centre of Excellence for laparoscopic bariatric surgery; Canada’s first home nocturnal dialysis program and a major cancer program.

The new Humber River is Ontario’s first digital hospital, one that is a technological and environmental showcase. The Wilson site opened on October 18, 2015. 

We’re about our patients first and foremost, and helping them when they need us is our purpose, something we try to do with respect and compassion every day. Every patient is offered an opportunity to share their hospital experience with us, and we look to that feedback for guidance when developing plans to encourage success and improvement across the organization.

Satisfied patients - that’s the most important goal for our organization, and measuring how well we do in that effort is the key benchmark for our hospital’s performance.